The services and benefits of home care can be extremely useful for people who are either elderly and need an experienced person to take care of them, or in the case of people suffering from a serious, chronic illness or injury that requires constant attention. This service minimises the patient’s time-consuming and painful trips to a hospital, providing him with the care he needs in the comfort of his home. Thus, it makes it easier for sufferers to receive professional personalised care and long-term assistance safely and in the comfort of their own personal space.

One of the main benefits of home care department is that it helps the elderly or patients recovering from a serious illness to continue doing daily activities such as walking, bathing, dressing and preparing meals. In this way, they gain a significant degree of independence while maintaining a sense of normalcy in their lives.

At the same time, home care promotes faster recovery. In the majority of cases, elderly people or patients with serious and chronic conditions recover faster, with fewer complications, at home than in the hospital. With home healthcare, patients can get help managing their medications, avoiding unnecessary hospital visits. At the same time, Home Nursing helps by providing regular monitoring and training. Patients also have 24/7 access to a professional they can call if they have bothersome symptoms and aren’t sure what to do.

Home care can provide personalised care tailored to the needs of the family and the individual each day, whether that need is as simple as companionship and conversation or more complex, such as specialised care and medication needs. The provision of home nursing services is configured based on the special characteristics and needs of each case, and is fully personalised to each patient individually, making the treatment more effective.

Home care also greatly helps maintain and strengthen family relationships, as families tend to be more involved in caregiving and maintaining closeness to their loved one. The benefits of home nursing also extend to family members who have shouldered the care of the person in need. The skilled nursing staff can help with bathing, dressing and other daily tasks. This relieves some of the burden on family members who had taken on this role. The home care team of our polyclinic can also educate family members on the best way to provide care, providing peace of mind and making it much easier for family members.